Release The Sound of Music in HD Video
Now you can download full The Sound of Music in best look with duration 174 Min and has been aired on 1965-03-02 with MPAA rating is 375.- Original Title : The Sound of Music
- Movie title in your country : The Sound of Music
- Year of movie : 1965
- Genres of movie : Music, Drama, Family, History, Romance, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1965-03-02
- Companies of movie : 20th Century Fox, Robert Wise Productions, Argyle Enterprises,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 174 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : lEcKXr3mJ_o
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,FR,ZH,DE,IT,NL,CS,PT,DA,SV,HU,RU,PL,SK,JA,EL,RO,
- Actors of movie :Julie Andrews (Maria), Christopher Plummer (Captain Von Trapp), Eleanor Parker (The Baroness), Richard Haydn (Max Detweiler), Peggy Wood (Mother Abbess), Charmian Carr (Liesl), Anna Lee (Sister Margareta), Portia Nelson (Sister Berthe), Heather Menzies (Louisa), Nicholas Hammond (Friedrich), Duane Chase (Kurt), Angela Cartwright (Brigitta), Debbie Turner (Marta), Kym Kareth (Gretl), Ben Wright (Herr Zeller), Norma Varden (Frau Schmidt), Marni Nixon (Sister Sophia), Evadne Baker (Sister Bernice), Doris Lloyd (Baroness Ebberfield), Gilchrist Stuart (Franz), Daniel Truhitte (Rolfe)
Movie summary of The Sound of Music :
Full Length of The Sound of Music in High Quality with movie synopsis "Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music is a 1965 American musical film directed by Robert Wise and starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. The film is based on the Broadway musical The Sound of Music, with songs written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. It was photographed in 70mm Todd-AO by Ted D. McCord. It won a total of five Academy Awards including Best Picture in 1965 and is one of the most popular musicals ever produced. The cast album was nominated for a Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Adjusted for inflation, it made $1.046 billion domestically at 2010 prices, putting it third on the list of all-time inflation-adjusted box office hits, behind Gone with the Wind and Star Wars. The movie is based on a postulant nun, Maria, who leaves her Abbey to become a Governess to a retired Austrian Naval Captain and his 7 children." in top video format. Download full The Sound of Music in Top Video Format by viewing the download link.
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Director : Robert Wise, Editor : William Reynolds, Screenplay : Howard Lindsay, Screenplay : Russel Crouse, Screenplay : Ernest Lehman, Director of Photography : Ted D. McCord, Costume Design : Dorothy Jeakins, Music Editor : Irwin Kostal
Yes, now you can watch movie of The Sound of Music entirely length and get the connection to this movie The Sound of Music in high quality.
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