Full Streaming Finian's Rainbow in HD Quality
Now you can enjoy Finian's Rainbow in best video format with duration 141 Min and was published in 1968-01-01 with MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Finian's Rainbow
- Movie title in your country : Finian's Rainbow
- Year of movie : 1968
- Genres of movie : Music, Romance, Family, Fantasy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1968-01-01
- Companies of movie : Warner Brothers/Seven Arts,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 141 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4
- Youtube ID of movie : 9o9fbSl5F0w
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,RU,DE,CS,
- Cast of movie :Fred Astaire (Finian McLonergan), Petula Clark (Sharon McLonergan), Tommy Steele ('Og' the Leprechaun), Don Francks (Woody Mahoney), Keenan Wynn (Senator Billboard Rawkins)
Movie plot of Finian's Rainbow :
Watch full Finian's Rainbow in Top Video Format with movie synopsis "An Irishman, Finian, and his daughter Sharon, arrive in Rainbow Valley, a Southern town of tobacco sharecroppers in the state of Missitucky. The town has its own resident dreamer, Woody, who thinks that he might be able to put the town on the map by crossing mint with tobacco so that it'll grow mentholated. Finian's came to town because he's stolen a leprechaun's crock of gold and plans to plant it in the ground. But trouble arrives in the form of Og the leprechaun, who has followed Finian and wants his gold. Meanwhile, the bigoted Senator Billboard Rawkins, in an effort to stop progress in his state in the form of a new dam and hydroelectric system, plans to take the remaining parcel of land needed to stop the project. But the government's geologists reveal the Senator that gold has been detected on the property! Rawkins and his men confront the sharecroppers to seize their land using as an excuse an obscure law making it a felony for blacks and whites to live together." in High Quality Video. Download full Finian's Rainbow in HD Format by visiting the download link.
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Director : Francis Ford Coppola, Screenplay : E.Y. Harburg, Screenplay : Fred Saidy
Of course, now you can view movie of Finian's Rainbow in full length and obtain the connect to this motion picture Finian's Rainbow in best quality.
Tags: musical, wish, leprechaun, irishman,
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