Play Full Rhinestone in HD Format
Now you can enjoy Rhinestone in HD quality with duration 111 Min and has been launched in 1984-06-22 with MPAA rating is 5.- Original Title : Rhinestone
- Movie title in your country : Rhinestone
- Year of movie : 1984
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1984-06-22
- Companies of movie : 20th Century Fox,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 111 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.9
- Youtube ID of movie : opFT4agnVB4
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,CS,CS,RU,DE,HU,
- Actors of movie :Sylvester Stallone (Nick Martinelli), Dolly Parton (Jake Ferris), Richard Farnsworth (Noah, Jake's Father), Ron Leibman (Freddie Ugo, Rhinestone Owner), Tim Thomerson (Barnett Kale), Steve Peck (Father Martinelli (as Stephen Apostle Pec)), Penny Santon (Mother Martinelli), Dan Hewitt Owens (Actor)
Movie summary of Rhinestone :
Release Rhinestone in High Quality with movie plot "After a big-time country singer brags that she can turn anybody in to a country-singin' star, she's out to prove she can live up to her talk when she recruits a cab-driver as a country singer. He's scheduled to sing at a big-time NYC country night club and she puts her ample powers to work in preparing her protege." in HD quality. Free Streaming Rhinestone in High Quality by push of the download link.
Now you can download full Rhinestone in top video format. play full Rhinestone film with single prepare the type by simply clicking on the image on the sign upwards button. Enjoy each of the albums fresh movie together with all favorite movie streaming! just play this movie Rhinestone right now for full access this online movie. This can be truly spectacular and might some of those rare awesome. The quality was great around. Management, photographs and graphic effects have been all incredibly innovative in addition to brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous possesses many heart for those his characters are extremely very well developed.
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Director : Bob Clark, Screenplay : Phil Alden Robinson
Sure, now you can view movie connected with Rhinestone completely length and get the url to this film Rhinestone in best look.
Tags: musical,
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