Best Hello, Dolly! in HD Video
Now you can see Hello, Dolly! in top quality with duration 146 Min and was released on 1969-12-12 and MPAA rating is 18.- Original Title : Hello, Dolly!
- Movie title in your country : Hello, Dolly!
- Year of movie : 1969
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Family, Music, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1969-12-12
- Companies of movie : 20th Century Fox,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 146 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.7
- Youtube ID of movie : o7e-hJx3YcY
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,FI,ES,DE,ZH,RU,HU,PT,
- Actors of movie :Barbra Streisand (Dolly Levi), Walter Matthau (Horace Vandergelder), Michael Crawford (Cornelius Hackl), Louis Armstrong (Louis Armstrong), Marianne McAndrew (Irene Molloy), Danny Lockin (Barnaby Tucker), E.J. Peaker (Minnie Fay), Joyce Ames (Ermengarde), Tommy Tune (Ambrose Kemper), David Hurst (Rudolph Reisenweber), Fritz Feld (Rudolph's Assistant), J. Pat O'Malley (Policeman in Park)
Movie plot of Hello, Dolly! :
Download full Hello, Dolly! in HD Quality with movie summary "A matchmaker named Dolly Levi takes a trip to Yonkers, New York to see the "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire," Horace Vandergelder. While there, she convinces him, his two stock clerks and his niece and her beau to go to New York City. In New York, she fixes Vandergelder's clerks up with the woman Vandergelder had been courting, and her shop assistant." in best look. Play full Hello, Dolly! in Best Look by push of the download link.
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Director : Gene Kelly
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