Full Length of Annie in HD Video
Now you can play full Annie in High Quality Video with duration 127 Min and has been launched in 1982-06-18 with MPAA rating is 50.- Original Title : Annie
- Movie title in your country : Annie
- Year of movie : 1982
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, Family, Music,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1982-06-18
- Companies of movie : Columbia Pictures, Rastar Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 127 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.4
- Youtube ID of movie : OiM8S9VLjvU
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,NL,SV,ES,HE,EL,DE,JA,IT,
- Actors of movie :Aileen Quinn (Annie), Albert Finney ('Daddy' Oliver Warbucks), Carol Burnett (Miss Hannigan), Tim Curry (Rooster Hannigan), Bernadette Peters (Lily St. Regis), Ann Reinking (Grace Farrell), Geoffrey Holder (Punjab), Roger Minami (Asp), Toni Ann Gisondi (Molly), Rosanne Sorrentino (Pepper), Lara Berk (Tessie), April Lerman (Kate), Robin Ignico (Duffy), Lucie Stewart (July), Edward Herrmann (FDR)
Movie synopsis of Annie :
Free Annie in High Quality with movie plot "An orphan in a facility run by the mean Miss Hannigan (Carol Burnett), Annie (Aileen Quinn) believes that her parents left her there by mistake. When a rich man named Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks (Albert Finney) decides to let an orphan live at his home to promote his image, Annie is selected. While Annie gets accustomed to living in Warbucks' mansion, she still longs to meet her parents. So Warbucks announces a search for them and a reward, which brings out many frauds." in HD video. Play full Annie in Best Quality by viewing the download link.
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Director : John Huston, Writer : Carol Sobieski, Writer : Thomas Meehan
Sure, now you can watch movie involving Annie entirely length and obtain the link to this flick Annie in HD format.
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